Agency for B2B Technology Brands

Recruitment site for data migration specialist

Data eXcellence is growing, recruitment is really important. We created a site specifically for that objective. We've paid a lot of attention on manageability so that the recruiters themselves are able to manage the site's content without impacting design.

Data eXcellence has a specialised offering: data migration. What makes the brand special is their unwavering commitment to getting everything absolutely 100% right.

As Data eXcellence is growing, recruitment is really important. We created a site specifically for that objective. It is a WordPress site with a lot of attention on manageability so that the recruiters themselves are able to manage the site’s content without impacting design.


Silodam 191
1013 AS Amsterdam
The Netherlands

(c) More Awesome B.V. 2023. All rights reserved.

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