Agency for B2B Technology Brands

More Awesome AI

Imagine having a strategy assistant that has deep understanding of your brand, proposition, clients, and competition! That’s the all-new More Awesome AI. 

More Awesome AI is a set of AI tools that explore a new space in Marketing Technology. Where current technologies support marketeers on an operational or tactical level, More Awesome AI supports you on a strategic level – so start building beating strategies!

Find your unique space

Strategic Marketing Technology - AI powered

The strategic marketing toolset is comprised of two tools:

  • Positioning Assistant. Imagine positioning yourself on all competing factors, on all competitors. To define a value proposition with an edge. Fast. Complete. Data-driven. Define your top line strategies on facts & gain sustained competitive advantage.
  • AI Persona. Imagine being able to talk to your most important customers. Anytime. About anything. Rapid, cost-effective market testing and refinement.

Wanna know more?

Wanna get a demo or have a chat about being a launching customer?

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